Let’s create a Slow Street on Steiner between Duboce and Waller

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Supported by local businesses and community groups, including:

Why Slow Steiner?

What is the background and context behind Slow Steiner?

Slow Steiner has grown out of DTNA's Vision 2030 initiative (formerly “Slow Triangle”). Grounded in the results of a series of community workshops and surveys starting in 2022 (1, 2), efforts have been focused on improving pedestrian safety and traffic calming throughout Duboce Triangle. Over the past year, based on community input, particular attention has been given to Sanchez and Steiner, and in particular, the intersection at Duboce/Sanchez/Steiner.

Wiggle Fest

Every six months, we host Wiggle Fest, closing Steiner to cars between Duboce and Hermann. In addition to bringing neighbors together and building community, Wiggle Fest is an opportunity to reflect and reimagine how Steiner could best serve the neighborhood.

Stay tuned for our third Wiggle Fest in fall 2024!

Neighbor notes
“I have just finished physical therapy for my accident of August 18th and support Slow Steiner 100%. I am a wheelchair user who was struck by a car at the intersection of Steiner and Duboce streets. For the safety of many elderly and persons with impaired mobility who live in the neighborhood (nearby Bridge Housing buildings at 25 Sanchez, 462 Duboce and 1 Church streets). I have co-pay of $90 for ambulance and 16 therapy sessions of $15 each to address. This dangerous intersection needs special attention.”
Michael Oluwasegun Odunikan
“I am 100% pro Slow Steiner. My mother is a resident of Bridge Housing. She and her many friends and their families would love safe access to the park and cafés like everyone else. They should be afforded the same type of recreation the existing Slow Streets offer younger and non-disabled people.”
Whaticia Patterson
“As president of the 25 Sanchez tenant’s association, I speak for hundreds of elderly and disabled residents of Bridge Housing. I support a Slow Steiner 100%. This would provide safer access to the park and cafés and allow our residents the same healthy benefits of nature and community as everyone else.”
Leesa, 25 Sanchez
“I support Slow Steiner 100%. I am a long term resident of Bridge Housing and I use a wheelchair. I have almost been hit several times. I’m surprised someone hasn’t been killed by Steiner, Duboce and Sanchez.”
Bob O’Rourke, 462 Duboce
“As a cyclist and mother I very much support Slow Steiner. I feel it will make the intersection at Duboce, Sanchez and Steiner much safer by slowing car traffic. Slow Steiner will allow safer access to Duboce Park for walkers and wheelchair users.”
Jolie Ginzberg, Friends of Duboce Park Treasurer
“For the past three years, I have guided walks around Duboce Park and the surrounding neighborhood for senior citizens. One recurring challenge that has caught my attention is the confusing nature of the intersection at Duboce, Steiner, and Sanchez as well as Steiner and Hermann. These intersections tend to cause confusion and hesitation among pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers, leading to a serious safety hazard for all. The complexity of these intersections often leave individuals uncertain about the right of way, posing a risk to everyone, including drivers. The peculiar layout of the intersection makes it particularly dangerous, with cars frequently speeding through, causing distress among the senior citizens I accompany during our walks. In light of these concerns, our weekly walking group earnestly advocates for the implementation of a Slow Steiner Street to enhance the safety of our community. Your support for this initiative would undoubtedly contribute to creating a more secure environment for our neighborhood.”
Christina Noyes, 1 Church, Sequoia Living Hospitality Management - Bridge Housing
“As a business owner on Steiner between Duboce and Waller, I support Slow Steiner. I see pedestrians, cyclists, skateboarders etc risk their lives every day due to the insane car traffic. Additionally, it would allow safe access to the park and neighborhood for our elderly and disabled neighbors.”
Matt Palmer, Clipper Construction
“We fully support the idea of Slow Steiner. I need to cross Steiner Street to take my young kids to Duboce Park. The intersection at Hermann is very dangerous, cars zip by in both directions. Cars have low visibility of pedestrians coming from Hermann Street. Slow Steiner would make it much safer.”
The Wong/Lau Family
“As Michael Oluwasegun Odunikan’s past [caretaker], I can assure you that he and the hundreds of other elderly and disabled neighbors that reside in the Bridge Housing buildings would benefit 100% from the mental and physical benefits of being by/in a park and socializing with the community. They deserve safe and equitable access to Duboce Park and our amazing community” It’s mind boggling, I myself can’t cross the intersection before 4 or 5 cars speed by.”
Laura Small

I have feelings about the possibilty of a Slow Steiner. How can I get involved or make my voice heard?

Are you supportive of Slow Steiner? Call on the city to make it a reality by sending an email to city officials (works best on mobile)

Other ideas or feedback? Reach out to us at SFWiggleFest@gmail.com. We’d love to hear your feedback and welcome your involvement!


Kristi Coale, The Frisc

Joey Horta, KTVU

Carla Laser, Bay Area Video Coalition Media

DTNA News, August-September 2024

DTNA News, February-March 2024